Saturday, January 31, 2009

Downtown San Jose night out....

So today I(ANHminh) decided to hit up the city with some friends and take some new photos. I picked up a new wide angle lens(18-55mm) from my boy Plucks. I love the new lens and it works perfectly. Not only could i take wider frames but it also got ride of my error 99 problem, which i had for awhile. We crash some hotels down there. The plus side was we didn't get into too much trouble that night.

Here are some photo i took with my new improved lens(ANHminh photos)

city shots

city shots

city shots

city shots

Tet(Viet new years) recap

Tet this year was highly anticipated but very disappointing. The festival should of took place on market street downtown SJ this year but it didn't. They changed the location(which blows)and decided to charge the Vietnamese community this year. As you well know Viets are cheap(lol) and we don't like to pay to see these things. So the festival became a big mess. Barely anyone showed up for the fest, and the fest itself was horrible. So on Tet day my family and I(crafty/ANHminh) went up to Kim Son temple to celebrate with our Viet Community, which was a great turnout(surprisingly).

here are some photos i took while there.(ANHminh photos)

kim son

kim son

3 color kim son

steven kim son

DunksXchange 1st Quarter dates 2009 Back to the basic Tour

If you have any questions email them at


So far we haven't been updating the blog site for a LONGtime, so i(crafty)decided to re-up this blog site and continue using it for future bloging and keeping everyone updated with latest info.